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20240215-1 Morning Sessions

February 15, 2024

20240215-1 RANDOLPH-SHEPPARD VENDORS OF AMERICA(r) 20240215-1 Morning Sessions

CELEBRATING OVER FIFTY YEARS OF ACHIEVEMENT AND ADVOCACY Teaming up to Tackle the ins and outs of Randolph-Sheppard business

Moderator: Jerry House (TX), OIT Limited, Sagebrush Committee Member

  • iPhone Updates and Apps: o Brad Snyder (TX), Vice-President, Blind Information Technology Specialist: Sandhya Rao (TX), Vice-President, iBugToday

  • Questions and Answers

  • Different ways to implement Chat GPT 4 into everyday business practices: o Enrique Mejia (IA), Rehabilitation Technology Specialist, Iowa Department for the Blind o Robert Serian, Head of Business Development & Territory Management- North America, Envision Technologies B.V. Participants learned how to use AI to enhance their business. Attendees also heard about a feature called "Ask Envision" which uses Chat GPT and AI technology to guide the user.

  • Questions and Answers

  • How to reach students and newly blind persons to enter the RS Program: o Bill Findley (FL), Bureau Chief Business Enterprise, FLDOE/Division of Blind Services. o Maureen Fink (FL), Operations Manager Business Enterprise, FLDOE/Division of Blind Services o Randall Crosby (FL), Crosby's CafĂ©, Sagebrush committee

  • Questions and Answers

  • Experiences with theft in the facility and ways to prevent it: o Round Table Discussion

  • Social Security and Medicare Questions Answered: o Annie Walters (NV), SSA Public Affairs Specialist Participants learned about the latest updates and changes in Social Security and Medicare. Attendees also learned how vendors can use deductions differently for SSA. Get information on retirement.

  • Questions and Answers

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