ACB Events
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20240518 2024 Bay State Council of the Blind Spring Convention

As Aired Live on ACB Media 9

May 21, 2024

Bay State Council of the Blind 2024 Spring Conference and Convention Agenda Grousbeck Center, Perkins School for the Blind, Watertown, MA

Morning Session

  • Welcome From Our Host, Perkins School for the Blind
  • Opening Remarks David Kingsbury, President, BSCB

  • Overview of Massachusetts Commission for the Blind Activities John Oliveira , Commissioner, MCB

  • Participant Introductions

  • State Government Initiatives to Improve Accessibility Ashley Bloom, Chief Information Technology Accessibility Officer, Executive Office of Technology Services and Security

  • Updates from Two of Our Committees Ambassador Program: Pam Loch, Membership Committee chair Healthcare Resources web page: Nona Haroyan and Jerry Berrier, Advocacy Committee co-chairs

  • First Reading of Proposed BSCB Code of Conduct Policy Brian Charlson and Jennifer Harnish

  • lection of BSCB Officers Brian Charlson (to explain voting procedures) Mary Haroyan( to announce slate of nominees recommended by the Nominations Committee) Sharon Strzalkowski to chair election of President David Kingsbury to chair election of other officers

Afternoon Session

  • Announcement of Election Results David Kingsbury Short comments by newly elected Officers

  • Debate and Adoption of Proposed Code of Conduct Policy Brian Charlson

  • Experience as a Book Author Andrew Leland, author of “The Country of the Blind,” interviewed by Kim Charlson

  • Announcement of BSCB Awards Awards Committee: Kim Charlson (chair), Pam Loch, and Jerry Berrier

  • Tips for Getting a Handle on Your Personal Finances Moe Carpenter, Penny Forward

  • News from the Tech World Jeff Bishop, ACB Blind Information Technology Specialists affiliate President: Overview of BITS training activities and other member benefits David Kingsbury, Demo of the new JAWS PictureSmart with Generative AI feature for describing digital images

  • Overview of Recent Perkins Library Activities Kim Charlson

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